Happy Monday!
I hope you had a wonderful weekend and a great start to your Monday! Just a reminder that Band and Orchestra lessons do not start until the week of September 3 (Labor Day Weekend). I will be visiting 5th grade classrooms in the later half of this week to distribute lesson schedules, I will also send a copy home via ParentSquare after I have met with each of the classrooms.
If you would still like to register your student, please let me know so I can get them enrolled as soon as possible!
Students should have their instrument by their first lesson! If you need help renting an instrument I have attached a copy of our recommended music stores. You just need to let them know what instrument and you are apart of D54 and they will provide you with all your materials! You can also have it sent to Hoover for delivery if you would like, just let the music store know!
After school rehearsal does NOT start until October.
I will give more information later this week!
Musically Yours,
Mrs. Antosz