
August 28, 2024

Principals use ParentSquare to email weekly newsletters, and to send alerts through phone calls and text messages for priority communications. The district will use ParentSquare to call, text and email parents/guardians with informational and emergency updates. Some District 54 teachers and other staff are also using ParentSquare for classroom and club/sports communications.

All families and staff will receive calls, texts and emails whether or not you create a ParentSquare account. However, by creating an account you will be able to change your notification preferences, interact with requests, change your language preferences and see all of the messages previously sent to you, as well as staff directories and other information.

To create a ParentSquare account, go to and enter the email or cell phone number you provided to your school. ParentSquare also has a free app available on the Apple Store for iPhones or the Google Play Store for Androids.

After logging in, click on your name at the top, and then My Account to see the contact information we have on file for you. Contact your school to update any information that may need to be changed.